Welcome to Tez Books by Innovative ERP Solutions Ltd. (IESL)

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A simple unified approach to e-invoices

The new system of e-invoicing has standardized how business-to -business invoices are accounted in the GST system. Since Tez Books is a registered GST Suvidha Provider (GSP), you can connect with the IRP directly and create invoices in the e-invoicing format for a streamlined, hassle-free process.

Easy one-time setup

Setting up e-invoicing is a simple process in Tez Books. After enabling the e-invoicing option, you can effortlessly upload your invoices directly to the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) through Tez Books. As soon as the setup is complete, you can start generating e-invoices right away.

Generate error-free e-invoices

Tez Books allow you to generate e-invoices using Government-mandated fields. For an extra layer of caution, it validates your data to identify violations, incorrect data entries, and missing mandatory fields.

Send invoices to the IRP in a single click

You can send your invoices from Tez Books to the e-invoicing portal in a single click. If you want additional quality control, enable transaction approval so that each invoice is verified by someone in your organization before you send it to the IRP.

Cancel e-invoices as per your need

Tez Books makes it easy to cancel your e-invoices if necessary. Please note that the cancellation process depends upon the time lapsed since the IRN generation.

Update IRN

Tez Books also allows you to update IRN No. of invoices which have been directly created on the GST portal or created using a 3rd party application.

Configure your Invoice

Tez Books allows you to customize your invoice template and allows you to include QR codes or IRNs in your invoices. Set up recurring invoices, automatically push the invoices to IRP, and configure your estimate preferences to convert sales orders to invoices in Tez Books automatically.

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